23.1101 – S4.231101
- Fixed a bug causing ‘Droplist’ elements to not work properly on mobile on Chromium based browsers.
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- General CSS, JavaScript & PHP optimizations.
- General CSS, JavaScript & PHP optimizations.
- File cleanup and several other minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug causing a black-bar to appear on mobile when in the background during update.
- Fixed a bug effecting padding on several elements.
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug effecting hyperlinks on Chromium based browsers.
- Fixed a bug in the ‘Menu’ effecting the background has been fixed.
- ‘fluidity Icon’ elements received minor tweaks.
- File cleanup and several other minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug effecting ‘Carousel’ elements sizing on mobile.
- General CSS, JavaScript & PHP optimizations.
- Rebuilt ‘Emoji’ elements.
- Timing on animations has been fixed.
- Added more ‘Social Links’ and the ability to toggle them off.
- Expanded and redesigned ‘fluidity Icon’ elements and added a new animation engine.
- Initial release of ‘fluidityShop’.
- More options to the customizer page for even more adaptability.
- Redesigned ‘Carousel‘, ‘Droplet’, ‘Droplist’, ‘Fliplet’, ‘Footer’, ‘Textbox’ elements.
- Restructured the ‘Footer’ element.
- Scroll-based timing on animations has been refined, and new animations have been added.
- Several colors are redefined.
- Several components have been split up for modularity. UI elements are now in Gutenberg.
- Rebuilt the entirety of fluidityUI from scratch
23.0622 – S4.230622
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- General CSS & JavaScript optimizations.
- Added ‘Droplet’ elements for consolidated info.
- Added ‘Fliplet’ elements for hidden info on the other side.
- Minor redesign to make the UI more cohesive.
- More vibrant colors introduced.
- Redesign ‘Droplist’ elements, previously ‘Dropbox’ elements.
- Redesign ‘Header’, ‘Menu’, and ‘Footer’ elements.
- Re-introduce ‘Carousel‘ elements.
23.0214 – S4.230214
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug causing the Safari toolbar on iOS not minimizing.
- General CSS & JavaScript optimizations.
- More vibrant colors introduced.
- Added more options to the customizer page.
- General CSS & JavaScript optimizations.
- Minor redesign to make the UI more cohesive.
23.0109 – S4.230109
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- Added animated placeholders for ‘Textbox’ elements.
- Added scroll-based timing animations.
- Added more options to the customizer page.
- Dark Mode has been add.
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- General CSS & JavaScript optimizations.
- ‘Header’ and ‘Menu’ are tinted while over a tinted section.
- Introduction of a new color system.
- New animations for several elements.
- Redesigned all ‘fluidity Icons’ and added animations.
- Redesigned ‘Dropbox’ and ‘Textbox’ elements.
- Redesigned ‘Menu’ and added a collapsible submenu.
- Scrollbars now have a unified look on most browsers.
22.1005 – S3.221005
- Dropped ‘bubbled’ versions of elements
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- Improved ‘Checkbox’ elements
- Removed outdated ‘Carousel’ and ‘Slider’ elements.
- Various CSS name changes.
- Added ‘fluidity Icons’ elements for a cohesive look.
- Added ‘thinwall’ versions of ‘Dropbox’ and ‘Textbox’ elements.
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- General CSS & JavaScript optimizations.
- Redesigned ‘Dropbox’ with major optimizations.
22.0929 – S2.220929
- Added the Stable Release Channel.
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- General CSS & JavaScript optimizations.
22.0909 – C20909
- Added the Client Beta Release.
- Added ‘Cards’ elements to separate information.
- Added ‘Switcher’ elements to switch between panes.
- Color changes on several elements.
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- Merged packages for smaller overall size.
- Redesign of ‘Carousel’, ‘Entry’, ‘Slider’ elements.
- Removal of the Alpha Channel.
22.0902 – B20902
- Initial release of fluidityUI
Lab Station (Alpha)
LS 1.2
- Added more options to the customizer page.
- File cleanup and several minor bug fixes.
- Naming scheme now reflects the date of release.
LS 1.1
- Created ‘Emojify’ and added emoji support.
- Combined ‘Carousel’ and ‘Slider’ elements.
- General CSS & JavaScript optimizations.
- Switch to full-aligned elements to ignore padding from parent.
LS 1.0
- Initial release of Lab Station UI