
Reimagined. All Over

This update enhances sites with all-new design, features, deeper intelligence, and more seamless ways to share your ideas.

For the independent


Manage your clients, set appointments, or categorize expenses with fluidityInvoices.

Introducing our e-commerce platform backed by the power of Stripe with fluidityShop

Several component are set into packages as plugins. This makes our UI elements accessible in the Gutenberg Editor.

More Adaptable


We added more options to the customizer page for even more adaptability. With ‘Header’ design and layout options, optional site-wide toggles for endless customization.

Doors open


Introducing our e-commerce platform backed by the power of Stripe.

Ever Expanding


All items UI elements have seen a dramatic redesign and restructuring. We then split them into a new package called fluidityElements

Optimizations &


As always, we took a look under the hood and saw some cleaning to do. We managed to muster up some optimizations and stream-lined the fluidity codebase.

These changes include general CSS, JavaScript & PHP optimizations along with basic file cleanup. We squashed some bugs in the process, just a couple of fleas.

All New Design.

Head over Heels

Header & Footer

We redesigned the header and footer to form a floating island with the menu following the header.

The header features a streamlined look with a drop shadow that falls away at the top. The menu now features submenus and a dark mode toggle.

The footer copies alot of design elements from the dark header. A sitemap can now be featured here.

Silky Smooth


Animations give more feedback and breathes new life into the UI, giving new meaning to fluidity. We’ve added scrolling ques for some, that will restart from top and bottom.

Provoke Creativity


Sound use of color can provoke creativity and amplify communication of status and feedback. Sticking with that, we introduce all new colors that invoke our beliefs.

See all the changes

Welcome to the Playground! Take a moment to look at some of the changes up close and personal. Feel free to inspect.









This update includes bug fixes, improvements, new features, and a design refresh. Full Changelog

Animations. Scroll-based timing has been refined, and new animations have been added.

Colors. We redefined several colors, eliminated others, and added a site-wide dark mode.

Elements. We redesigned several UI elements to make the fluidity more cohesive and friendly.

More Options. We added more options to the customizer page for even more adaptability.

Packages. Several components have been split up for modularity. UI elements are now in Gutenberg.

Optimizations. General CSS, JavaScript & PHP optimizations along with file cleanup and several minor bug fixes.

How to Update

As of build B40214: Because of dramatic changes to the file structure, reach out to us to receive updates.

Available Plugins

Please reach out to us with the plugin you’re interested in.

  • fluidityElements
  • fluidityInvoice*
  • fluidityShop*

*Requires fluidityElements