Password Security


Mar 3, 2022

Why are strong passwords important, and how can you keep track of them? Let’s look at some best practices to keep your accounts safe.


Passwords are frustrating to most of us and trying to balance between one that’s strong enough to keep you from getting hacked but easy enough to remember is a constant struggle.

A lock is only as good as the key, this is why a strong, complex password is just as important as Two-Factor Authentication. 2FA is an important part of securing your accounts, but not the only step

Secure Your Email

An attacker that’s looking to do some damage will gain access to your email. Accounts you have sends the “Password Reset” to your email. If an attacker gains access to your email, they have access to your bank, credit card, and any accounts associated with that email.

Since your email gets tied to a vast amount of you accounts as well as most people’s 2FA, your email should have a password that’s among the strongest you have and should never be reused anywhere else. On that note…

No Recycling

The most common method used to steal credentials involves guessing passwords randomly as fast as possible. Most well-built websites will prevent these attacks, while others fall short.

Once the password is compromised, all your accounts using it are too. That’s why it’s imperative to never reuse passwords.

Manage the Keys


Strong passwords are the first line of defense against cyberattacks. But it can be difficult to memorize a secure password: one that is at least 16 characters long, made up of a unique mix of lower and upper-case letters, symbols, and numbers.

A password manager like LastPass makes it easy for people to create strong, unique passwords with a built-in password generator, plus manage and access their passwords across all their devices and all browsers.